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math challenge II-A geometry 6.30

math challenge II-A geometry 6.30
WuZeyin - 2021年10月23日 Saturday 06:19

What is the Kurrah's Theorem? I can't find a good explanation online.

WangDr. Kevin的头像
Re: math challenge II-A geometry 6.30
WangDr. Kevin - 2021年10月23日 Saturday 14:36

The theorem is described in the Example question 6.10 in the same book.

In our textbook, most of the problems are arranged this way (though not 100%): the corresponding questions among the Example questions and the Practice questions usually involve the same concepts, ideas or techniques.  For example, question 4.7 and 4.27.

回复: Re: math challenge II-A geometry 6.30
WuZeyin - 2021年10月23日 Saturday 19:05
