Online Course Discussion Forum

II-A Geometry 9.30

Picture of Zeyin Wu
II-A Geometry 9.30
by Zeyin Wu - Sunday, 31 October 2021, 1:11 AM

Shouldn't EP be 4/3? HQ and QF should be 2 * sqrt 2 instead of sqrt 2. Can you please check this problem to see if there's an error in the sample solution? Thanks

btw in the first line of this question's sample solution, it wrote DQ=CD=1. It should be DQ=CQ=1.

Picture of John Lensmire
Re: II-A Geometry 9.30
by John Lensmire - Tuesday, 2 November 2021, 11:57 AM

Thanks for pointing this out. You are correct that 8/3 is the diameter of the circle and EP should be 4/3.

I've updated the solution so it should be fixed now, thanks!