Online Course Discussion Forum

Homework Help (For MC I-B)

Homework Help (For MC I-B)
LeeNora - 2017年09月25日 Monday 15:43

Hi, I need help on 2.11.  If anyone could explain a little bit more to me that would be great thx :)

(Edited by John Lensmire - original submission Sunday, 24 September 2017, 8:56 PM  Reason:  Added class to title)

Re: Homework Help (For MC I-B)
LensmireJohn - 2017年09月25日 Monday 15:46

Hi Nora,

In the future, please include the class name in the title (I edited it for now).

The key idea here is to remember the definitions of two words:

  1. Perimeter, which is the length around a shape.
  2. Parallelogram, which is a $4$-sided shape with opposite sides parallel. Because of this, parallelograms have a very useful property, which says that the opposite sides of parallelograms have the same length.

Keeping these two ideas in mind should help solve the problem!


John Lensmire
Areteem Staff