Online Course Discussion Forum


JinTina - 2023年02月14日 Tuesday 00:51


For problem 4.8 c, i did it a different way. If there are r objects between the chosen, but not yet determined numbers. So after the numbers "pick" in between which "r"s, that would be (n-(k-1)r choose k). (there are n-(k-1)r spots left after the r separators are placed, and pick k spots for the k numbers). After this, the numbers will be assigned a number. (let x denote the number, and y denote the separator, xyyyyyxyxyyx would be x= 1, 6, 7, and 9 respectively. Then the answer is correct, but why would the first number have to be the number picked? i.e. why does the first number picked must equal 1 OR a multiple of r +1, since that is what the answer implies. Can you also explain problems 4.9-4.11 and 4.14?

Also, can you explain problem 3.7? How do I know it is the real part of (1/2+sqrt(3)/2)^6n? 

1.19 b

3.12, 3.14, and 3.15

 3.6, 3.7, and 3.16

Sorry for so many questions! Thank you!

Re: Questions
LensmireJohn - 2023年02月14日 Tuesday 13:05

Let me answer 4.8c first, and can fill in other hints/ideas when I have time.

For 4.8c, I'm a little confused by your method. Let me start backwards with your x's and y's and explain an idea from there, which hopefully helps.

It seems like at the end you're using x's for numbers chosen, and y's for numbers skipped. So your example xyyyyyxyxyyx should give the numbers 1, 7, 9, and 12, right? That's how I'm making sense of it at least.

In this way (ignoring the separators for a moment), any arrangement of $k$ x's and $n-k$ y's gives us $k$ numbers chosen from 1 to n. So how do we make sure each number is greater than $r$ apart? Note in terms of our arrangements, this means that each x needs to be separated by $r$ y's. Hence we set aside $(k-1)\cdot r$ (since there are $k-1$ spaces) y's to place between each pair of x's. Thus, we are left to arrange $k$ x's and $(n-k) - (k-1)\cdot r$ y's. This can be done in$$\binom{k+(n-k) - (k-1)\cdot r}{k} = \binom{n - (k-1)\cdot r}{k}$$ways.

Note: Since the x's and y's are arranged in any way at the end, it is possible for y's to occur BEFORE the first x. This means that the first value of r DOES NOT really have the restriction you were asking about.

Note 2: This idea is pretty much the same idea that is going on with the bijection described in the textbook. Try to compare them to see if it makes sense.

Hope this helps!

Re: Questions
LensmireJohn - 2023年02月17日 Friday 10:50

Let me give some thoughts for the rest of the ones from chapter 4:

4.9: This one is tricky, so maybe focus on others first. Consider $9, f_1(9), f_2(9), f_3(9), \ldots$. Explain why this sequence eventually starts repeating? What are the possibilities for how often it repeats? How do all of these possibilities relate to $2520$?

4.10: As a hint: an intersecting point comes from two lines, so four points. Are these four points unique for that intersection point?

4.11: Focus on what matters here and don't get scared by other parts. Do we know a trick to find solutions to $x+y+z=n$ for integers?

4.14: Hint: we want the girls to be separated, so arrange the boys first and put the girls into spaces.