Online Course Discussion Forum

Math Challenge I-C Algebra 2.14

Math Challenge I-C Algebra 2.14
LiHan - 2023年09月24日 Sunday 13:58

I don't understand why the answer for 2.14 is B. Could someone please explain why?

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Re: Math Challenge I-C Algebra 2.14
WangDr. Kevin - 2023年09月24日 Sunday 14:42

The question wants $x < 7$ and $x < 13$.  Between these two requirements, $x < 7$ is more restrictive.  In other words, for all $x$ values that are less than $7$, they are already also less than $13$.  Therefore the requirement that $x < 7$ already covers $x < 13$, and the two requirements can be combined into just $x < 7$.  So the answer is $B$, $(-\infty, 7)$.