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IIB Algebra 1.22

IIB Algebra 1.22
ZhangDaniel - 2024年05月11日 Saturday 13:36

The question is: Factor x38y3z36xyz�3−8�3−�3−6���.

I tried expanding out (x-2y-z)^3 but it didn't seem to help...what else could I try?

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Re: IIB Algebra 1.22
WangDr. Kevin - 2024年05月12日 Sunday 23:48

Try using one of the formulas given at the beginning of the chapter.  Only a few of them involve cubes, so there are not many choices to try out.

Re: IIB Algebra 1.22
ZhangDaniel - 2024年05月13日 Monday 10:15

Yeah, I figured it out. I kind of had a brain fart :P  Thank you so much!!