Online Course Discussion Forum

IIB NT 2.29

IIB NT 2.29
LeeClaire - 2024年05月16日 Thursday 22:34

I got a=e, so my answer is 9*10*10*10*9=81000 but correct answer is 800.  How can I get a correct answer?

Re: IIB NT 2.29
LensmireJohn - 2024年05月17日 Friday 09:17

Hi, the correct answer for 2.29 should be 9000, not sure where 800 came from. Let me know and I can fix if there's a typo somewhere.

Double check your work then, the hard part of the problem is figuring out a=e (which is correct!). How many choices do you have for each of a, b, c, d, e then?