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I have a question i don't know about

I have a question i don't know about
SunHenry - 2018年11月16日 Friday 20:35

Hello i have a question on the problem, can you help me?

On the daily magic spells website, Nov 12 2018 all grades. My problem was Liam loves bananas and he usually eats 33 per day. Last week Liam ate 55 less bananas than this week, and this week he ate 22 more bananas than usual. How many bananas did Liam eat in total this week and last week? I got the answer 39 but it says its wrong. Can you help me on the problem?

Re: I have a question i don't know about
ReynosoDavid - 2018年11月19日 Monday 10:28

The problem is telling us Liam usually eats $3$ bananas per day, so, how many bananas does he normally eat in one week?

Then they are telling us that this week he ate $2$ more bananas than usual, so how many bananas is that?

Re: I have a question i don't know about
SunHenry - 2018年11月28日 Wednesday 19:03

that is 44 bannas in all.

Re: I have a question i don't know about
ReynosoDavid - 2018年12月3日 Monday 11:10

Note that last week Liam ate $5$ less bananas than this week.

Try to figure out first how many bananas he ate this week and then use than number to figure out how many he ate last week.

Re: I have a question i don't know about
XuDaniel - 2018年12月13日 Thursday 22:36

Liam ate 5 less bananas last week than this week.

Liam did NOT eat 5 less bananas last week than usual.