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Precaculus Homework, Week 3

Precaculus Homework, Week 3
ChenColin - 2016年10月3日 Monday 14:26

Hi, could anyone please help me with some questions I got stuck on while doing homework? Thanks!

They are as follows:

1-4: Q50, 62, 66


Re: Precaculus Homework, Week 3
ReynosoDavid - 2016年10月3日 Monday 15:12

Hello Colin. Let me give you some hints:

1-4 Q50: Were you able to graph the function using a calculator? Use the graph to estimate the coordinates (price, profit) of the relative minimums or maximums of the function. The optimum price should give you the best possible profit.

1-4 Q62: Use the transformations we studied to get a nice sketch of the graph.

1-4 Q66: Look at this examples, they may give you a clue as to what is happening in this case:

     x^2 has an absolute minimum at (0,0) and it has no maximum.

     x^5 has no absolute minimum or maximum.

     x^5 + x^2 has no absolute minimum or absolute maximum.

1-5 Q78: What transformations of the function f(x) occur when you do f(-x) and -|f(x)|?