Online Course Discussion Forum

week8 IA

Picture of Amy T
week8 IA
by Amy T - Sunday, 21 April 2019, 12:09 PM

A group of pirates went to hunt for treasure. They found a chest of gold coins with 8383 coins in it. They tried to equally divide the coins, but some coins were left over. So they picked one pirate among themselves and threw him overboard. Suppose the pirates continue in this manner (throwing each other overboard one by one) until they can divide the coins equally among themselves. How many pirates would be left?

Picture of David Reynoso
Re: week8 IA
by David Reynoso - Wednesday, 24 April 2019, 10:36 AM

Since there are 83 coins and they tried to divide them equally, there are less than 83 pirates. The pirates will stop throwing pirates overboard when they find a number that divides 83 so, what is the largest number smaller than 83 that divides 83?