Online Course Discussion Forum

question about the lesson I-C 6.10

Picture of Bober Yang
question about the lesson I-C 6.10
by Bober Yang - Sunday, 26 January 2020, 9:48 AM

In the video question 6.10, Mr. John didn't explain how he got the solution of (x,y)=(12/5, 16/5)

I'm just confused about how to get it but I understand all the steps.

Thank You.

Picture of Areteem Professor
Re: question about the lesson I-C 6.10
by Areteem Professor - Monday, 27 January 2020, 10:41 AM

Once we know that $(x,y)$ satisfy $2x + y =  8$ and $x^2 + y^2 = 16$, we can solve for $y$ in the first equation and substitute in the second to obtain $$x^2 + (-2x + 8)^2 = 16,$$ so $5x^2 - 32x + 64 = 16$.

Solving this equation gives $x = 4$ or $x = \dfrac{12}{5}$. Then for each of these we can find $y$, which gives the solutions $(4, 0)$ and $\left(\dfrac{12}{5},\dfrac{16}{5}\right)$.