Online Course Discussion Forum

Mc-III Algebra 5.26

Mc-III Algebra 5.26
ShenWen - 2020年04月16日 Thursday 09:43

I managed to figure this question out by taking the derivative and finding the maximum. I'm sure there's a non-calculus method but I'm struggling to find it. What I've attempted is setting the expression equal to y and squaring both sides. Then I tried to move the function around and squaring again to get rid of all the square roots. However, this just mixes in x terms with y terms. Is there a different way to do this? 

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Re: Mc-III Algebra 5.26
WangDr. Kevin - 2020年04月16日 Thursday 10:57

This is the same question mentioned in another post:

You can use the idea posted there as a hint and see if you can solve it.