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MC II-B Week 8 Homework Clarifications

MC II-B Week 8 Homework Clarifications
- 2017年02月6日 Monday 06:45


For P4 on the week 8 homework (chapter 9, probability fundamentals), there is no specified question, but I have a guess to it: What is the probability that Jack and Jill will somehow meet at the restaurant (including waiting times)? Thank you!


Re: MC II-B Week 8 Homework Clarifications
- 2017年02月6日 Monday 07:02

Also, for P8, for the distance from the point to a vertex, does it have to be every vertex? or the closest vertex?

Re: MC II-B Week 8 Homework Clarifications
ReynosoDavid - 2017年02月6日 Monday 10:11

Hello Sophie!

For P4, you are right,  the question should be "What is the probability that they will have dinner together?".

For P8, the point would be "fine" if it is close to at least one vertex, so it is fine to use the closest vertex to the point.

