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2021 8 week prep course for AMC 10, hw questions

2021 8 week prep course for AMC 10, hw questions
ZengLeo - 2020年12月8日 Tuesday 22:04

Hi, i have a question for 4,7, and 9. 

Also, is the answer for #10 "6"?

Re: 2021 8 week prep course for AMC 10, hw questions
ZhangCharles - 2020年12月9日 Wednesday 14:10

I just finished #4.  It's a pretty tough question.  Took me a solid 20-25 minutes

Hint 1: Remember that vertices are -b/2a in standard forms of equations (ax^2 + bx + c)

Hint 2: They intersect at one point. What does that tell you about the solution of it?  (Discriminant maybe?)

Re: 2021 8 week prep course for AMC 10, hw questions
ZhangCharles - 2020年12月9日 Wednesday 15:16

By the way these were hints for #4

Re: 2021 8 week prep course for AMC 10, hw questions
ZhangCharles - 2020年12月9日 Wednesday 15:15

Tip for #7: Graph it!

Re: 2021 8 week prep course for AMC 10, hw questions
ReynosoDavid - 2020年12月9日 Wednesday 16:17

This is for week 2 assignment, correct? Please always make sure to mention which assignment you are referring to. Also, make sure you let us know what you have tried so far so we can give you better hints.

Here are some hints to get you started:

4: The equation of a parabola with vertex $(h,k)$ looks like $y - k = a(x - h)^2$ for some $a \neq 0$. This $a$ is the leading coefficient of the quadratic.

7: The graphs will intersect at a point $(x_0,y_0)$ iff $(x_0,y_0)$ satisfies BOTH equations. Use this to find the intersection points (in terms of $L$), and then find which values of $L$ make the $y$-coordinate of the point non-negative.

9: Recall $a$ is a root of a polynomial (in $x$) iff $(x-a)$ is a factor.

Re: 2021 8 week prep course for AMC 10, hw questions
DuongDuy - 2020年12月9日 Wednesday 19:38

Anyone have any hints for #10?

Also, is the answer for question number 7 (3)?

Re: 2021 8 week prep course for AMC 10, hw questions
ZhangCharles - 2020年12月10日 Thursday 21:00

Try using the given equation and subsitute y^2 for ?, then repeatedly use it, eventually substituting x for y

Re: 2021 8 week prep course for AMC 10, hw questions
DuongDuy - 2020年12月11日 Friday 16:49
I've tried every single way to factor it; can't get a solid final answer.

What I start with:  (tell me if/where I made a mistake)

1/x-1/y=1/x+y  --- how would I isolate one of the variables?

After that I should be able to solve the problem. Thanks, whoever helps me

Re: 2021 8 week prep course for AMC 10, hw questions
ZhangCharles - 2020年12月13日 Sunday 18:00

Complete the square or use quadratic equation on x in terms of y or vice versa