Online Course Discussion Forum
NT III, 5. 25, 27, 28, 29
Here are my thoughts for 5.29: I got that (2n-1) | (n+1)^3, after crossing out terms with (2n-1) as a factor. Then, if n+1 and 2n-1 contain multiples of 3, 5 then they must be 14 (mod 15) or 2(mod 15). I don't really know what to do next.
For 5.28, I tried polynomial division to get x^(mn-m)+x^(mn-2m)+..., but I don't really know what the remainder will be because I didn't find a pattern in the remainders after subtracting.
For 5.27, I got x=a+4=b+1=c+1=d+1 and some other solutions similar to that one (by finding factors of 4) I don't think it is correct, but I can't seem to find any restrictions on the variables or anything like that. How can I solve the problem?
For 5.25, I got 7<n<21 by the triangle inequality, but can't seem to find any restrictions on m other than m<54, and m+21>33, so m>12 and m+33>21, so m>-12 which is intuitive. So then 12<m<54. But I don't know what restricts m when n is a given value. For example, if n=8, then what values of m would work???
Can you give me hints to the problems?
You are very close on 5.29.
For other questions, please look at my hints for the question under the following link:
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