Online Course Discussion Forum
homework file size is too big to submit?
I just tried to submit my week 2 homework for the ap bio prep class, but it's telling me the file is too large, even though it's just one picture. also, when i emailed the picture to myself, it was just 2.7 mb and the size limit is 10 mb. what can i do?
Hi Iris. That file size should work, but maybe there is something else going on. Could you email your image to so we can see how to fix the issue?
It seems the file was closer to 20 MB, so that's why you could not upload it. Probably when you made your image into a PDF the size increased. You can always submit the image, or use an app like Cam Scanner or Adobe Scan to scan your homework right to your phone into a PDF file.
We uploaded a smaller version of your file to the site so it can be graded.
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