Online Course Discussion Forum


Picture of Tina Jin
by Tina Jin - Thursday, August 8, 2024, 9:17 PM


For problem 12 in the packet, I don't understand the last few steps. After getting the "matrix" of "z"s, how did you get that that is 49? I listed out the terms explicitly, and I got:

and since z^(-k)=z^(7-k) by seeing the roots on the unit circle, I got that its just 7(z^0+z^1+...+z^6), but then I'm just doing a loop because we got before that z^0+z^1+...+z^6=2/(1-z^7).

Additionally, why is this reasoning wrong:

b/c z+z^2+z^3+...+z^6+z^7=0 by the fact that the sum of the roots is 0, z+z^2+z^3+...+z^6=0-z^7=0-(-1)=1, thus 1+z+z^2+z^3+...+z^6=1+1=2, but the teacher got that it equals 2/(1-z^7). (I understand how the teacher got that, but I just don't understand what is wrong with my reasoning)


Tina Jin

Picture of Dr. Kevin Wang
by Dr. Kevin Wang - Thursday, August 8, 2024, 11:20 PM

The first part: Can't see what you got there.  Was it an image?  It probably didn't upload.

The second part: since $z^7 = -1$ for this problem, we don't have $z^{-k} = z^{7-k}$.  In fact $z^{-k} = - z^{7-k}$.

Also I don't think I said $1+z+z^2+z^3+z^4+z^5+z^6=\dfrac{2}{1-z^7}$.  It is supposed to be $\dfrac{2}{1-z}$.

The third part, also check that $z^7=-1$ by the problem statement.

Picture of Tina Jin
by Tina Jin - Friday, August 9, 2024, 6:25 PM

Hello Dr. Wang,

First part: 

My apologies for the image not loading; here it is (hopefully it will load this time):

Second part: oops, I get it now, thank you!

Third part: I indeed used z^7=-1, so my reasoning should be correct...but its wrong. What is wrong with my reasoning? (its in the earlier discussion post)

Thank you!

Tina Jin

Picture of Dr. Kevin Wang
by Dr. Kevin Wang - Sunday, August 11, 2024, 12:35 AM

The image you got is correct.  Since $z^7=-1$, the expression for each $z$ is not simplified to $7(z^0+z^1+z^2+\cdots+z^6)$.  What we can do here is to calculate the sum over all roots for each term.  For the term $7z^0$, we are calculating $7z_1^0+7z_2^0+7z_3^0+\cdots +7z_7^0$, here $z_i$ represents the seven 7th roots of $-1$.  This is simply seven $7$s, which sums to 49.

For the other terms, they are all of the form $z^k$ where $k\neq 0$, and we will have

$$z_1^k + z_2^k + \cdots + z_7^k=0,$$

because for a particular fixed $k$, all $z_i^k$ are evenly distributed on the unit circle, since $z_i$ are evenly distributed on the unit circle.  Thus the sum is $0$ for this $k$.

Therefore the total sum is $49$.

For the third part, it is still because $z^7=-1$ instead of $1$.  Thus the terms $z, z^2, z^3, \ldots, z^6$ are not all roots.  Some of them aren't roots of $-1$ (for example, $z^2$ is actually a 7th root of $1$.). Therefore their sum is not $1$.

Picture of Tina Jin
by Tina Jin - Monday, August 12, 2024, 6:02 AM

Hello Dr. Wang,

I get it, thank you!

Tina Jin